So here is the completed first draft of what would be the first issue.
Panel: We follow Jack. He is running at speed into a narrow alleyway. The businessman is leaning on a lamp post to steady himself. He is in the foreground. We are watching him watching Jack.
Panel: An upper body shot of the businessman. He doesn't look to great. The lamp light makes him look gaunt. He has put one hand to his head. He still leans against the lamp post.
Caption (Businessman): Spring Heeled Jack...
Panel: We move now to a different scene. A leathery wing dominates the panel. It is stretched out inside the panel. 'SFX': FWOOP FWOOP FWOOP etc.
Panel: Now we can see who the wing belongs to as we move out a little. We can see the upper body of a bat. (I am unsure as to whether it resembles a fruit bat or a vampire bat as of yet). 'SFX' again; FWOOP FWOOP FWOOP etc.
Panel: A wider shot again. There are a few of them flying together, almost in formation. The lead bat is in the foreground.
Panel: Jack is running along narrow and crooked alleyways. He runs sort of bent at the waist with his elbows bent and his arms drawn close to his body. He is looking up.
Panel: Jack has reached a dead end but does not slow down. Although the wall infront of him is at least 15 feet high, motion blur -or 'ghosts'- shows how Jack effortlessly plants a boot on a window sill and lauches himself up and on to a roof.
Panel: He bounds ever higher, from roof to roof. Finally landing on a very small roof.
Panel: He holds onto a large weather vane and leans out casually over the edge. Spread out below him is a view of the city at night. Bathed in moonlight. Patches of fog swamp places here and there but tonight is a clear, cool night. Jack isn't looking at the view though, his eyes are fixed on the sky.
Panel: An extreme head and shoulders close up of Jack. We are looking up with him at a group of creatures in the night sky. They are either very small, or quite a distance of.
Panel: A close up of Jack's mask. We can see his eyes narrow. The mask is a little battered, small scratches and chipping can be seen here and there over the features.
Panel: Back to Jack on the small roof. He is squatting, still looking up and still holding onto the weather vane. HE is waiting.
Panel: Same as above, only now Jack has leapt, snapping an arm off of the weather vane. He is stretched out, his arms close to his sides, wether vane piece in one hand.
Panel: Back to the bats in formation. FWOOP FWOOP FWOOP etc.
Panel: Same as previous panel, only now Jack has appeared between the lead bat in the extreme foreground of the panel and one of the other bats in the background. We can now see that the bats are man-sized creatures. The bats have reacted by turning to look at Jack.
Panel: Same as above only now Jack has landed on the lead bat's back. He has buried the weather-vane arm into the creature's shoulder and it is now screeching in pain. It's head is pulled back and its mouth is wide open. 'SFX': EEEEEEEEE e.g.
Panel: A close up of Jack half crouching, half kneeling on the lead bat's back and holding on to the weather-vane with one hand. we can see down the creature's body (its head is in the foreground and feet in the middle ground). Jack is looking behind him with us. We can see another giant bat swooping towards him.
Panel: A wide side-shot of the giant bat as it quickly catches hold of Jack in its talon like feet. It has pulled Jack off of the back of the lead bat, leaving the weather-vane piece buried in its shoulder, spurting blood.
Panel: A full body shot of Jack in the talons of the giant bat, its claws are wrapped around his mid section. Jack is gripping onto one of its legs with one hand and is pulling at a talon with the other. A few of the other giant bats can be seen as small shapes in silhouette.
Panel: An upper body close up of Jack, he has pulled the talon hard, breaking the bone and snapping it out of shape.
Panel: A head and shoulders close up of the giant bat shrieking in pain. Coming into shot, just visible at the bottom of the panel, we can see a gloved hand. It is gripping tightly to the thick fur on the bat's body. 'SFX': RRRRREEEEEEEEE e.g.
Panel: A wide side-shot again of Jack and the giant bat, Jack is climbing up to the head of the bat by clinging tightly to the fur on its chest.
Panel: A head and shoulders shot of the bat. We are looking down onto the top of its head. Its head is tilted to one side slightly as it tries to look at Jack who has appeared below it. Both his hands grip tightly to its shoulder fur. His grinning face is to one side of the bat's head and they look at each other.
Caption (Jack): Hello!
Panel: Same as above, only now Jack has spewed forth a large jet of blue fire. Engulfing the bat's head. 'SFX': FWOOOOSH! e.g.
Panel: A wide shot of the bat and Jack. Thick smoke and patches of flame obscure the creature's head. It is roaring and shrieking in pain. Jack is flipping up in the air infront of the creature. Again the other bats are simply small shapes flying about in the distance.
Panel: A close up panel, Jack has landed on the creature's back and is gripping onto its fur again. He has turned his head to one side and is looking at one of the creature's wings. The smoke from the burning bat wafts around him.
Panel: Similar to above. We are slightly further away. Jack is breathing a narrow stream of fire at the wing he was looking at. The thin membranes of skin between the bat's 'fingers' burns away easily, leaving large holes. The stream of flame shoots out the other side. The creature is still roaring and wailing from its previous injury.
Panel: A wide shot again. The bat, having lost most of its ability to fly, now begins to tumble down to the ground far below. Jack is standing upright and clinging to the creature's wings, bending them backwards and stopping them from being used.
Panel: Similar to above, only now Jack has back-flipped off of the bat's back, and is rushing upwards. The bat is now in free fall, its limbs are dragging behind it with the force of Jack's kick.
Panel: We are now looking down, at the city below. Jack is in the extreme foreground, he is stretching out and arching backwards as he back-flips. Below we can see the smoking and broken form of the giant bat as it tumbles down.
Panel: We follow the bat as it tumbles down in one long panel (if possible). It crashes into crates and barrels, thin wafts of smoke leave a trail above. Thee barrels and crates crash and tumble in all directions.
Panel: Back to Jack. He is gliding to the ground using a small cape. His body is stretched out and rigid, his feet are together.
Panel: Jack continues to glide down. He has changed position now, ready to land. His arms are still outstretched, keeping the cape open. He is looking down to the ground. His feet are in the foreground almost as if he were falling out of the bottom of the panel.
Panel: A wide shot. The giant bat is tangled up in the debris. It is trying to pull itself free. Its head, still smoking slightly, is raised up out of the wreckage. It roars. In the background we can see the small figure of Jack swooping in to panel. It is obvious by the surroundings that they are at the dockyards.
Panel: Same as previous panel, only now Jack has swooped by the giant bat and kicked it in the head as he rushed by. The giant bat's head drops slightly with the force.
Panel: A full body shot of Jack. He has now landed and is giggling again. He is turned away from us, but he is looking over his shoulder the lower half of his mouth is hidden. In the dim light we can see the recent scorch marks on his mask.
Caption (Jack): Hehehehehe. e.g.
Panel: A close up of the giant bat stuggling. It is still trying to pull itself free. It is speaking in an alien language. The dialogue is broken and shaky.
Caption (Giant Bat): *Alien text*.
Panel: From over the shoulder of the giant bat we can see Jack approaching, he is walking upright and proper. He has an index finger up to his mask.
Caption (Jack): Shhhhhhhh.
Panel: Jack crouches infront of the giant bat. He is looking down at the liquid pouring out of the over turned barrels. It is pooling all around the the bat. Jack is dipping his finger in the growing pool. The giant bat is looking at Jack, its face (Fruit Bat or Vampire Bat hmm?) is a mess of singed fur and scorched and blistered skin.
Panel: A close up of Jack's head and hand. He is sniffing the liquid on his finger. 'SFX': Sniff Sniff e.g.
Caption (Jack): Burns! Hehehe.
Panel: Same as two panels back. Jack is still crouching. The giant bat is looking at the pool of liquid.
Panel: The gaint bat is flailing now. It has knocked Jack backwards, his mask has been knocked off, but his face has been obscured by his body as he tumbles back.
Panel: A wide shot of the bat and Jack. Jack has landed on some debris; ropes and chains and small boxes His body is turned away from us so we can't see his face. The giant bat is flapping its wings, lifting some of its body off of the ground.
Panel: An upper body shot of Jack. He is looking over his shoulder again so we can only see his eyes, they seem to glow. He is clutching at some chains.
Panel: Another upper body shot. Jack is up on his feet, he is throwing the chains out at the bat. His arm is stretched out, again hiding his unmasked face.
Panel: The giant bat is all but off of the ground, but the chains are rushing towards it.
Panel: Same as above. Only now the chains have struck the giant bat and wrapped around its body. The creature wails in anger.
Panel: The creature crashes to the ground at Jack's feet. Only the back of Jack is visible. He looks down at it.
Panel: A close up of the giant bat's eye. In the reflection we can see Jack, mostly in silhouette. his face is still obscured.
Caption (Giant Bat): *Alien Text*.
Panel: A close up of Jack's glowing eyes.
Caption (Jack): *Alien Text*, Spring Heeled Jack!
Panel: A wide panel shot. The bat lunges and Jack back-flips.
Panel: A full body close up of Jack as he lands some distance away, most of his body is close to the ground. He breathes fire once more, hiding most of his face from view.
Panel: The volatile liquid beneath the giant bat ignite violently. The vague figure of the bat can be seen within the flames. It shrieks as burns.
Panel: Jack has turned away from the burning creature, he is facing us. but we cannot see his face because his body is in the shadow cast but the fire. On the floor, in the extreme foreground is his mask.
Panel: A close up of Jack's hand grasping his battered mask.
Panel: And upper body shot of Jack. He has replaced his mask and is adjusting it. We can see him largely in profile.
Panel: A wider shot, the giant bat is still burning, Jack is looking up at the night sky. In the distance, over the water, we can see the rest of the bats flying away. 'SFX': EEEEEEEE e.g.
Panel: A close up of Jack's masked face. He is watching them.
Caption (Jack): Next time...
Panel: A wide shot, from above of Jack running away into the shadows.
So, there we go, ladies and gentlemen. It was a bit epic, but we got through it together! Jack will be back soon. In the mean time, if you would like to ask Jack any questions please do...
Friday, 24 July 2009
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Spring Heeled Jack
So, This is yet ANOTHER idea I have. It is based around the legend of Spring Heeled Jack. Who leapt around reports say as early as 1837. Here is an early draft of the first few panels, I will soon put more up. This little encounter is logged as the first recorded time Jack appeared in public, although I have changed things a little to make things interesting.
Sping Heeled Jack
By Adam Wilmot
Panel: A wide shot of an all but empty street. In the foreground is a row of official looking buildings. The building in the centre seems to be a bank. Standing in front of the doorway to the bank is a small figure of a man. The moon hangs low over the rooftops.
Caption: London 1837.
Panel: The scene has shifted. Now we can see a pair of legs running over grass. They are wearing a pair of cavalry boots. The motion blur suggests that the 'runner' is running quite fast. Drifting through this panel are words: HAA HAA HEE HEE etc (e.g.)
Panel: Back to the Businessman. He is now walking down the street. The bank is now some way of in the distance behind him. He is illuminated from above as he walks under the light cast down from a street lamp. He is smartly dressed and well fed.
Panel: Back to 'running legs' the positioning of the legs have changed slightly (to show movement). Laughter still drifts through the panel.
Panel: The businessman has now stopped until a street lamp and is examining a pocket watch for the time. He is standing next to tall railings. Just faintly visible, drifting into panel are words: HAA HAA HEE HEE etc (e.g.)
Panel: Same as above only now the businessman is now no longer looking at his pocket watch which still sits in his hand. He is now looking about confused. He is now aware of the laughter. The words drift about the panel clearly now.
Panel: We look up now, with the businessman, who's head and shoulders are still in panel. leaping over the high railings is the silhouette of a man, cast by the moon. Caption (Leaping figure): HEE HEE HEE! HAA HAA HAA!
Caption (Businessman): What the blazes!
Panel: The leaping figure has now landed a few feet away, he stands outside of the circles of light cast by the street lamps. He has a tall, thin figure. He stands upright, toes turned out. Most of his body is still in silhouette. Parts here and there are picked out in the light but his face is in shadow. In the foreground the businessman has turned to face the figure.
Caption (Figure): HEE HEE!
Panel: An upper body shot of the businessman. He is squinting in the light to try and make out the features of the leaping figure.
Caption(Businessman): Who are you?
Caption (Figure): HEE HEE!
Panel: Same as two panels back. The figure now bows at the waist theatrically. The businessman is moving closer.
Caption (Businessman): Are you sensible man? What's your name?
Panel: An upper body shot of the two men. Without warning the figure grasps at the businessman's lapels, pulling himself into the light. We can now see that the figure is wearing a grinning mask. The middle of the mouth is cut out. Pointed ears stick out from the sides of the mask. The businessman looks terrified.
Caption (Jack): Spring Heeled Jack!
Panel: Similar to above only we're closer to the two. Jack has snapped his head to one side and is looking up out of panel. The businessman is still looking at Jack.
Panel: A full body shot of Jack. He has let the man go and he staggers back. Jack is still looking up and to one side. Now a jet of fire shoots forth from the gap in his mask.
Panel: Same as above only now Jack has started to run. The businessman has recovered and watches him as he runs. Caption (Jack) HEE HEE!
Sping Heeled Jack
By Adam Wilmot
Panel: A wide shot of an all but empty street. In the foreground is a row of official looking buildings. The building in the centre seems to be a bank. Standing in front of the doorway to the bank is a small figure of a man. The moon hangs low over the rooftops.
Caption: London 1837.
Panel: The scene has shifted. Now we can see a pair of legs running over grass. They are wearing a pair of cavalry boots. The motion blur suggests that the 'runner' is running quite fast. Drifting through this panel are words: HAA HAA HEE HEE etc (e.g.)
Panel: Back to the Businessman. He is now walking down the street. The bank is now some way of in the distance behind him. He is illuminated from above as he walks under the light cast down from a street lamp. He is smartly dressed and well fed.
Panel: Back to 'running legs' the positioning of the legs have changed slightly (to show movement). Laughter still drifts through the panel.
Panel: The businessman has now stopped until a street lamp and is examining a pocket watch for the time. He is standing next to tall railings. Just faintly visible, drifting into panel are words: HAA HAA HEE HEE etc (e.g.)
Panel: Same as above only now the businessman is now no longer looking at his pocket watch which still sits in his hand. He is now looking about confused. He is now aware of the laughter. The words drift about the panel clearly now.
Panel: We look up now, with the businessman, who's head and shoulders are still in panel. leaping over the high railings is the silhouette of a man, cast by the moon. Caption (Leaping figure): HEE HEE HEE! HAA HAA HAA!
Caption (Businessman): What the blazes!
Panel: The leaping figure has now landed a few feet away, he stands outside of the circles of light cast by the street lamps. He has a tall, thin figure. He stands upright, toes turned out. Most of his body is still in silhouette. Parts here and there are picked out in the light but his face is in shadow. In the foreground the businessman has turned to face the figure.
Caption (Figure): HEE HEE!
Panel: An upper body shot of the businessman. He is squinting in the light to try and make out the features of the leaping figure.
Caption(Businessman): Who are you?
Caption (Figure): HEE HEE!
Panel: Same as two panels back. The figure now bows at the waist theatrically. The businessman is moving closer.
Caption (Businessman): Are you sensible man? What's your name?
Panel: An upper body shot of the two men. Without warning the figure grasps at the businessman's lapels, pulling himself into the light. We can now see that the figure is wearing a grinning mask. The middle of the mouth is cut out. Pointed ears stick out from the sides of the mask. The businessman looks terrified.
Caption (Jack): Spring Heeled Jack!
Panel: Similar to above only we're closer to the two. Jack has snapped his head to one side and is looking up out of panel. The businessman is still looking at Jack.
Panel: A full body shot of Jack. He has let the man go and he staggers back. Jack is still looking up and to one side. Now a jet of fire shoots forth from the gap in his mask.
Panel: Same as above only now Jack has started to run. The businessman has recovered and watches him as he runs. Caption (Jack) HEE HEE!
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