Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Spring Heeled Jack

So, This is yet ANOTHER idea I have. It is based around the legend of Spring Heeled Jack. Who leapt around reports say as early as 1837. Here is an early draft of the first few panels, I will soon put more up. This little encounter is logged as the first recorded time Jack appeared in public, although I have changed things a little to make things interesting.

Sping Heeled Jack
By Adam Wilmot

Panel: A wide shot of an all but empty street. In the foreground is a row of official looking buildings. The building in the centre seems to be a bank. Standing in front of the doorway to the bank is a small figure of a man. The moon hangs low over the rooftops.
Caption: London 1837.

Panel: The scene has shifted. Now we can see a pair of legs running over grass. They are wearing a pair of cavalry boots. The motion blur suggests that the 'runner' is running quite fast. Drifting through this panel are words: HAA HAA HEE HEE etc (e.g.)

Panel: Back to the Businessman. He is now walking down the street. The bank is now some way of in the distance behind him. He is illuminated from above as he walks under the light cast down from a street lamp. He is smartly dressed and well fed.

Panel: Back to 'running legs' the positioning of the legs have changed slightly (to show movement). Laughter still drifts through the panel.

Panel: The businessman has now stopped until a street lamp and is examining a pocket watch for the time. He is standing next to tall railings. Just faintly visible, drifting into panel are words: HAA HAA HEE HEE etc (e.g.)

Panel: Same as above only now the businessman is now no longer looking at his pocket watch which still sits in his hand. He is now looking about confused. He is now aware of the laughter. The words drift about the panel clearly now.

Panel: We look up now, with the businessman, who's head and shoulders are still in panel. leaping over the high railings is the silhouette of a man, cast by the moon. Caption (Leaping figure): HEE HEE HEE! HAA HAA HAA!
Caption (Businessman): What the blazes!

Panel: The leaping figure has now landed a few feet away, he stands outside of the circles of light cast by the street lamps. He has a tall, thin figure. He stands upright, toes turned out. Most of his body is still in silhouette. Parts here and there are picked out in the light but his face is in shadow. In the foreground the businessman has turned to face the figure.
Caption (Figure): HEE HEE!

Panel: An upper body shot of the businessman. He is squinting in the light to try and make out the features of the leaping figure.
Caption(Businessman): Who are you?
Caption (Figure): HEE HEE!

Panel: Same as two panels back. The figure now bows at the waist theatrically. The businessman is moving closer.
Caption (Businessman): Are you sensible man? What's your name?

Panel: An upper body shot of the two men. Without warning the figure grasps at the businessman's lapels, pulling himself into the light. We can now see that the figure is wearing a grinning mask. The middle of the mouth is cut out. Pointed ears stick out from the sides of the mask. The businessman looks terrified.
Caption (Jack): Spring Heeled Jack!

Panel: Similar to above only we're closer to the two. Jack has snapped his head to one side and is looking up out of panel. The businessman is still looking at Jack.

Panel: A full body shot of Jack. He has let the man go and he staggers back. Jack is still looking up and to one side. Now a jet of fire shoots forth from the gap in his mask.

Panel: Same as above only now Jack has started to run. The businessman has recovered and watches him as he runs. Caption (Jack) HEE HEE!

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